什麼是 Sous Vide 真空慢煮?

過往僅限專業廚師所用,Sous Vide(法文,讀音為「sue-veed」)是一種真空慢煮技術,透過精準控制煮食溫度,締造米芝蓮餐廳般穩定高質美食。多年來,頂級餐廳一直以 Sous Vide 慢煮技術,準確控制每道佳餚所需的烹調溫度。

Sous Vide,在法語中意指「真空」,即是將食材真空密封於保鮮袋中,然後浸泡於溫度精準的熱水內烹煮。這種技術能讓你煮出其他烹飪方式無法創造的美食佳餚。


爲什麼選擇 Sous Vide 慢煮?

因爲 Sous vide 慢煮能透過精準煮食溫度控制蒸氣循環,從而創造其他烹飪技術無法達至的美味。眾所周知,傳統烹飪過程中,誰也無法控制熱度和溫度。所以,要持續烹調美味佳餚可謂非常困難且耗時。通常,最後食物外層太熟,而內層僅有一小部分可煮至所需溫度。這樣下來,食材因過度煮熟而失去原味,變得乾韌難嚼。

相反,Sous Vide 慢煮能精準控制烹調溫度,發揮以下優勢:

穩定烹調效果。 因為設定了準確時間內將食物烹調至精確溫度,所以烹飪效果保持一流。

迸發極致滋味。 用食材自身原汁將其烹製,確保每一部分濕潤、柔嫩和多汁。

減少浪費。 大多數情況下,煮熟了的食物會慢慢變乾,最終成爲廚餘。例如,以傳統方式烹製的牛扒,逐漸變乾過程中平均失去40%的營養精華。而透過精準溫度真空慢煮,可令牛扒內外鎖緊美味精粹。

自由靈活。 傳統烹飪需要時刻在廚房守候。真空慢煮則可放心將食材慢慢加熱至精準恆定溫度。無需再擔心過度煮熟。


What is Sous Vide cooking?

Once limited to the pros, sous vide (pronounced sue-veed) is a cooking technique that utilizes precise temperature control to deliver consistent, restaurant-quality results. High-end restaurants have been using sous vide cooking for years to cook food to the exact level of doneness desired, every time.

Sous vide, which means “under vacuum” in French, refers to the process of vacuum-sealing food in a bag, then cooking it to a very precise temperature in a water bath. This technique produces results that are impossible to achieve through any other cooking method.


Why we cook Sous Vide?

Sous vide cooking utilizes precise temperature control with circulation to produce results that can’t achieve through any other cooking technique. The reason–when using traditional methods of cooking, don’t have control over heat and temperature. Consequently, it’s very difficult and time consuming to consistently cook great food. Food ends up overcooked on the outside, with only a small portion in the center that is cooked to the temperature you want. Food loses flavor, overcooks easily, and ends up with a dry, chewy texture.

With precise temperature control in the kitchen, sous vide provides the following benefits:

Consistency. Because you cook your food to a precise temperature for a precise amount of time, you can expect very consistent results.

Taste. Food cooks in its juices. This ensures that the food is moist, juicy and tender.

Waste reduction. Traditionally prepared food dries out and results in waste. For example, on average, traditionally cooked steak loses up to 40% of its volume due to drying out. Steak cooked via precision cooking, loses none of its volume.

Flexibility. Traditional cooking can require your constant attention. Precision cooking brings food to an exact temperature and holds it. There is no worry about overcooking.

